IDEA - Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) provides funding to support the needs of children with disabilities, as outlined in Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) that attempt to identify the specific supports and services necessary for each identified child. Funds can be used for a wide variety of purposes to support learners with disabilities.

Alignment with EdisonLearning's programs and services
Through EdisonLearning’s eSchoolware proprietary learning management system, student accommodations can be set to enable compliance with IEPs and provide students with high-quality core and elective content in a user-friendly interface for students.
Text Help tools enable students to have additional supports in order to meet individualized needs and learning styles.
The flexibility of eSchoolware helps to reduce barriers to learning and meet the design frameworks to support learners with disabilities.
EdisonLearning’s Instructional Services team is experienced in supporting students with special needs, including students with 504 plans or IEPs. All EdisonLearning courses include accessibility features along with digital textbooks.
Have Any Questions?
Learn how EdisonLearning can help you target the critical areas where spending will ensure your students have what they need to succeed. Contact us today.