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Wendy Oliver, EdDNov 18, 2020 11:56:00 AM< 1 min read

Digital Safety - Episode 6

Now that students are spending a significant amount of time online inside and outside the classroom, the discussion of Digital Safety is a popular topic. Key points to note are software terms and conditions, privacy policies, location disclosure and other safeguards to protect yourself and your children online.


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EdisonLearningApr 20, 2022, 5:39:11 PM2 min read

The Rise of Directors of Equity with Shomari Jones (S1E5) by Equity Everywhere

What is equity? Who is leading the charge in shaping educational equity? How can I get involved in the movement for ...
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Wendy Oliver, EdDFeb 3, 2021, 9:01:00 PM1 min read

Closing the Opportunity Gap Through Innovation: Interview with Susan Bearden - Episode 14

Closing the opportunity gap is a tall order, especially during a pandemic when new challenges have compounded previous ...
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Wendy Oliver, EdDJan 6, 2021, 8:03:00 PM< 1 min read

A Perspective from a Superintendent: Interview with Dr. Randy Ziegenfuss - Episode 10

Over the past few weeks, we have discussed Social Emotional Learning and ways to enhance learning for students. Our teachers ...
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