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EdisonLearningOct 6, 2023 12:18:47 PM2 min read

EdisonLearning Offering Broadest Range of Digital Learning Solutions

FORT LAUDERDALE, FL -- EdisonLearning, a longtime innovator in public education and leading provider of digital learning solutions for students in grades K -12, now offers the broadest collection of quality curriculum and educational services in the industry for the 2023-24 school year.

Thom Jackson, President and CEO of EdisonLearning pointed out that, “Today, our digital products and services boast over 12 years of learning gains and achievement success, while supporting a variety of virtual, blended, and alternative learning programs, as we continue to expand offerings to traditional brick and mortar classrooms.”

Adding to its eCourse content, delivery, and certified instructors for more than 150 different core and elective courses, in grades 6-12, EdisonLearning presents:

• Middle School BOOST, curriculum and instruction needed for over-age and under-performing middle school students to fill learning gaps and get back on track for high school.

• Dual Enrollment program - in collaboration with Acadeum – for high school students to take a college course, giving them a jumpstart on college and prep for a future career.

• Game Learning, academic content for PK-8 students to engage and learn through interactive games – in concert with Game Learning.

• Social Emotional Learning and Soft Skill Development courses help students better cope with emotional stress, solve problems, and avoid peer pressure - provided in partnership with Own It! and Fusion Ed.

• Career and Technical Education eCourse curriculum offers a pathway for students to acquire a tangible skill, prepare for industry certifications, and become familiar with new technologies – in partnership with Pointful Education.

Based on its history of providing comprehensive educational content, resources, and support, EdisonLearning continues to specialize in Professional Learning Courses, ensuring both instructional growth for teachers, and academic growth for students.

Additionally, students who utilize EdisonLearning digital curriculum are fully backed by certified virtual teachers and advisors through Instructional & Student Support Services, which are observed and evaluated using the National Standards for Quality Online Teaching.

“These are just a handful of examples of how our legacy of innovation is continually advanced by every member of our team to keep EdisonLearning in the forefront of our industry,” Jackson said.

EdisonLearning has earned a Quality Matters (QM) Certification Mark - the internationally recognized symbol of online and blended course design quality.  It is also a supporter of the 1EdTech TrustED Program, fostering easier integrations with edtech tools to get teachers teaching and students learning.

EdisonLearning Offering Broadest Range of Digital Learning Solutions | AP News


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