Title I, Part A
Title I, Part A provides financial assistance to Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) and schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families to help ensure that all children receive an equitable and high-quality education.
Funds help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards.

Alignment with EdisonLearning's programs and services:
EdisonLearning’s eSchoolware offers an intuitive digital interface that is engaging and accessible. More than 150 core and elective eCourses presented in a dynamic course-delivery system, help students meet and exceed their academic goals and meet graduation requirements.
Students benefit from content interfaces designed to capture and keep their attention, interactive courses, and personalized learning, re-teaching, and enrichment. Struggling readers can benefit from scaffolds, and find support in tools such as Text Help. Due to online delivery of content, after-school, remediation, and summer enrichment content is also available.
EdisonLearning’s Instructional Staff is skilled at supporting students who need extra support and intervention, as well as tutoring. All EdisonLearning students have the opportunity to attend sessions with professionals who have overcome unfortunate life circumstances. During these live sessions, guest speakers discuss the required education and “a day in the life” of their careers.
Have Any Questions?
Learn how EdisonLearning can help you target the critical areas where spending will ensure your students have what they need to succeed. Contact us today.