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Instructional and Student Support Services

Students who use EdisonLearning digital curriculum are fully supported by responsible adults at every turn. We make sure success is for everyone with a virtual team dedicated to the needs of your educators and students.

Instructional Services

Certified virtual teachers to deliver asynchronous instruction, grading, feedback, and academic interventions.

EdisonLearning Teachers:

  • Provide assessment scoring and personalized feedback for each teacher-graded assignment
  • Offer personalized live instruction and synchronous instruction by appointment
  • Address all academic inquiries from students and parents
  • Are observed and evaluated using the National Standards for Quality Online Teaching consistently throughout the year



EdisonLearning teachers
Industry Leading

Service Level Agreements

Our service level agreements are above average. Our instructional staff are committed to:

Respond to all messages and phone calls within 24 hours
Grade and provide personalized feedback on all quizzes and exams within 48 hours
Grade and provide personalized feedback on all projects, labs, writing assignments, and speaking assignments within 72 hours

Respond to academic interventions and forum posts within 24 hours


“What I like to do at the beginning of a live session is provide some time for students to come in and say hello to each other. I notice the kids who come to live sessions are really looking for that social interaction. They want to be engaged with their peers. So what I have them do is turn on their mics and video at the beginning and give them a couple questions to get them talking.”

Doug SmithSocial Studies Teacher at EdisonLearning

“What I like to do at the beginning of a live session is provide some time for students to come in and say hello to each other. I notice the kids who come to live sessions are really looking for that social interaction. They want to be engaged with their peers. So what I have them do is turn on their mics and video at the beginning and give them a couple questions to get them talking.”

Doug SmithSocial Studies Teacher at EdisonLearning

“What I like to do at the beginning of a live session is provide some time for students to come in and say hello to each other. I notice the kids who come to live sessions are really looking for that social interaction. They want to be engaged with their peers. So what I have them do is turn on their mics and video at the beginning and give them a couple questions to get them talking.”

Doug SmithSocial Studies Teacher at EdisonLearning

Learn More

Ready to learn more about our EdisonLearning instructional services?

Certified Student Advisors to Support Students

Social and emotional support is needed now more than ever, and Advisors are there to provide that extra bit of human connection and guidance. Advisors are certified virtual advisors, serving as a student’s mentor or learning coach and supporting them in their academic, career, and personal development.



Untitled (200 × 200 px)Social-Emotional Support
Untitled (200 × 200 px)Career & College Mentoring
Untitled (200 × 200 px)Graduation planning
Our Commitment

EdisonLearning Student Advisors

EdisonLearning’s Student Advisors are certified school counselors who support students in their academic, career, and personal development.

  • Monitor pacing, progress, and graduation requirements for each student
  • Create individualized graduation plans and/or personal learning plans that include academic and personal goals
  • Offer postsecondary college and career mentoring
  • Communicate with families and home districts
  • Serve as certified school counselors
  • Respond to all messages and phone calls within 24 hours (excluding weekends)
  • Provide weekly advisement contacts for each student
Looking for more?

Download our Instructional & Student Support Guide

EdisonLearning Instructional & Student Support Flier
See how we can benefit your students

Let's Connect

Connect with us today to learn more about our instructional and student services.

Need More Staff Support?

Need more support for your instructional staff? You can join us for out-of-the-box training workshops or we can customize a professional development plan to meet the needs of your institution.