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EdisonLearningMar 28, 2023 1:11:20 PM2 min read

EdisonLearning Highlights Long-term Partnership with Capital Area Online Learning Association (CAOLA)

Ft. Lauderdale, FL – March 28, 2023 - EdisonLearning, a longtime innovator in public education and leading provider of digital learning solutions for students in grades K -12, is highlighting its productive, more than decade long partnership, with the Pennsylvania-based Capital Area Online Learning Association, at this week’s CAOLACon event at the Kalahari Resort in Pocono Manor, PA.

CAOLA is Pennsylvania’s largest online learning consortium, educating more than 40,000 students a year in more than 150 school districts throughout 11 Pennsylvania Intermediate Units.

EdisonLearning has had a close working relationship with the Capital Area Intermediate Unit (CAIU) and its online program since the launch of its initial online program in 2009. 

Thom Jackson, President & CEO of EdisonLearning stated, “As CAOLA has grown in their number of students and products and services offered, it continues to advance its role as a revolutionary model in online education.  And as a partner since the beginning, EdisonLearning is proud to be involved in these efforts.”

The majority of CAOLA’s course enrollments, through EdisonLearning eCourses, are supported by EdisonLearning’s certified teachers. These experienced instructors provide support to their students by grading and providing effective feedback, providing academic interventions and other asynchronous remediation.

EdisonLearning also provides regular customer success support and product training for CAOLA and its partners. 

Each EdisonLearning eCourse has been developed by highly qualified instructional designers and teachers utilizing best practices fostered over a decade of online learning experience and 20 years of experience driving achievement in schools. 

In addition to serving as a key sponsor of CAOLACon, eight members of EdisonLearning’s Instructional team will conduct industry-specific professional development sessions focused on the current K-12 online learning environment, including the following topics:

  • Less is More: Focusing on the Strategies that Work, and Removing the Ones That Don't
  • The Backward Design Model for Content Development
  • Creating a Diverse and Inclusive Online Curriculum
  • Educators: The Most Profound Effect on Student Success
  • Incorporating Quality-Plus Teaching/Feedback Strategies Online
  • English Language Learners and Online Learning
  • Acceleration vs Remediation: What's best for the underperforming student of 2023?
  • Values, Visions, Missions, and Goals

CAOLACon is the premier event for those transforming online education in almost 140 Pennsylvania Public and Non-Public Schools, programs and LEAs.

About EdisonLearning

EdisonLearning, a leading educational services provider, brings together best practices in instruction, developed over three decades of supporting schools, with blended solutions designed by educators to meet students where they are and deliver the education they need and deserve.


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