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Wendy Oliver, EdDOct 16, 2020 11:18:00 AM< 1 min read

Getting Started - Episode 1

So many of us were hoping the COVID situation would magically disappear before the new school year began, but it’s now Back to School season and we’re still in the middle of a pandemic and facing the challenges that accompany a pandemic. Let’s walk through some ways to be prepared for online instruction this school year. Because inevitably, whether you’re starting off online or not, your school will likely transition to remote learning at some point and it’s a good idea to be prepared.


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Wendy Oliver, EdDJul 7, 2021, 2:45:00 PM1 min read

Social-Emotional Learning and Trauma - Episode 30

With a new school year on the horizon – one that in many ways may be a “return to normal” after the extended pandemic – we ...
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Wendy Oliver, EdDFeb 3, 2021, 9:01:00 PM1 min read

Closing the Opportunity Gap Through Innovation: Interview with Susan Bearden - Episode 14

Closing the opportunity gap is a tall order, especially during a pandemic when new challenges have compounded previous ...
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EdisonLearningApr 20, 2022, 5:39:11 PM2 min read

The Rise of Directors of Equity with Shomari Jones (S1E5) by Equity Everywhere

What is equity? Who is leading the charge in shaping educational equity? How can I get involved in the movement for ...
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