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EdisonLearningJul 1, 2022 4:02:39 PM2 min read

Thom Jackson's Statements on July 4th

Two hundred and forty-six years ago this weekend, 56 individuals legally created the most remarkable entity in the history of the world – the United States of America. By issuing the Declaration of Independence, they infused into our culture most of what we have come to believe and value. Our noblest ideals and highest aspirations - our beliefs in liberty, equality, and individual rights, including the right of every person to pursue happiness.

From the early days of our nation, education has been one of the strongest aspects of our way of life and remains meaningful in current times. Our Founding Fathers believed in the power of education to such a high degree, that they set up a public school system making quality education accessible to every child in American, regardless of economic background or ability to pay.

The early colonists believed that education could be the “great American equalizer.” However, the realization of that goal still remains unfulfilled. Today, a young person’s chances for educational success still depend too much on his or her zip code and skin color, and too little on his or her abilities and effort.

In addition, we also know that countless students require an alternative from traditional academic environments - one more suited to their personal learning style. Yet, their opportunity to succeed has been impeded by various factors; including location, funding resources, and public policy decisions.

As has been the case over the past three decades, EdisonLearning has played a significant role in turning the tide of student achievement, and helped young people to take the necessary progressive steps in their educational journey.

Over the past month, more than 400 young people in Florida received their high school diplomas from EdisonLearning’s school network. This impressive number includes students who never thought they would ever finish school – but are now high school graduates. The vast majority are moving on to college, or a meaningful job. Their achievement and success brings the total of young people completing high school as a result of our efforts to nearly 6,000.

Not included in this number, are the students throughout the country who have utilized EdisonLearning eCourses and have been guided by our highly qualified team of Virtual Education Teachers and Advisors to achieve their educational goals.

Each of the members of the Class of 2022, have had their lives changed for the better, have been allowed the freedom to fulfill their potential, and are most certainly on the way to pursue their personal happiness.

All of us have a role in shaping the future. Our ability to succeed in carrying out this role is dependent on all of us being passionate about making a difference in the lives of young people – both academically and in character development.

This weekend when you celebrate with family and friends the singular American holiday – the Fourth of July – take a moment to also acknowledge the mission we together advance to truly make education the “great American equalizer.”


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