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Wendy Oliver, EdDSep 8, 2021 9:42:42 AM1 min read

Key Findings to Successfully Address Digital Inequity - Episode 36

Key Findings to Successfully Address Digital Inequity with Dr. Vikki Katz

What does it mean to be under-connected? On this episode, Dr. Vikki Katz shares insights from a recent research report on the levels of technology access and internet connectivity in U.S. households. Dr. Katz and Dr. Wendy Oliver discuss the recent paper, Learning at Home While Under-Connected: Findings from a National Phone Survey of Parents during the Pandemic, which Dr. Katz co-authored with Victoria Rideout.

You’ll hear how “under-connected” is defined, how lower income families have supported each other during the COVID-19 pandemic, what parents have learned during this pandemic year-plus, and the compelling evidence that digital inequity prevents social equality. As students have engaged in online learning, parents have gained a great perspective on their children’s strengths and how to help them flourish as students. Further, families have engaged in “digital teamwork,” helping one another navigate new technology. While we still have a long way to go in creating digital equity, you won’t want to miss this conversation that highlights some of the positives families have experienced.

To read the full paper, visit:

Access many more resources, including a survey to find out if the families in your community are under-connected, at:

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Wendy Oliver, EdDJan 13, 2021, 8:11:00 PM< 1 min read

The Opportunity Gap and the Digital Gap - Episode 11

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