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Wendy Oliver, EdDAug 18, 2021 4:57:00 PM< 1 min read

Mental Health Literacy with Christina Broderick - Episode 34

Mental Health Literacy with Christina Broderick- Episode 34

As we continue our series covering all aspects of social-emotional learning (SEL), Dr. Oliver interviews Christina Broderick, founder and CEO of IgnitEDU. Christina is a Licensed Social Worker, a Psychotherapist, a Certified School Social Worker, and an Adjunct Professor, who is passionate about ensuring mental health and that it becomes a priority for all.

In this episode, Christina shares the importance of mental health literacy, how to approach mental wellness, and how we can support students holistically with respect to their mental health. Given the challenges all students have encountered during the pandemic, as well as the ever-present challenges and stresses kids face, this is essential content for all educators, parents and caregivers.

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Wendy Oliver, EdDAug 30, 2021, 2:08:59 PM1 min read

SEL for All with Discovery Education’s Rachel Barrachina - Episode 35

SEL for All with Discovery Education’s Rachel Barrachina- Episode 34Continuing our series of episodes centered on ...
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Wendy Oliver, EdDFeb 3, 2021, 9:01:00 PM1 min read

Closing the Opportunity Gap Through Innovation: Interview with Susan Bearden - Episode 14

Closing the opportunity gap is a tall order, especially during a pandemic when new challenges have compounded previous ...
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Wendy Oliver, EdDApr 28, 2021, 2:23:00 PM< 1 min read

All You Need to Know About Kids and Social Media in 15 Minutes - Episode 25

Understanding how social media platforms are used by your children can help you make informed decisions about how to protect ...
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