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Wendy Oliver, EdDApr 21, 2021 10:40:29 PM< 1 min read

The Exciting New World of Career and Technical Education - Episode 24

Technological advances over the last decade have created a new path and new opportunities for Career and Technical Education (CTE).  Crystal Guiler, the Chief Academic Officer of Pointful Education, is a leader in the CTE space, and she joined this episode to share insights with Dr. Wendy Oliver.

Traditional CTE courses like welding and construction still exist, but there is now a whole new world which includes online CTE courses that provide training for Adobe programs, augmented and virtual reality applications, commercial drone piloting, and more. Many of the course offerings are certification courses, meaning students are able to earn professional certifications while they figure out what the next steps are in their career path. There are opportunities to gain knowledge and skills in technology and learn a vocation. Crystal explains, “The new CTE world is very different than it has been in the past and it really is both a college and a career track, not a college or career track.”






Wendy Oliver, EdDApr 15, 2021, 2:35:00 AM1 min read

Global Leader Yong Zhao on Avoiding the 'Learning Loss Trap' - Episode 23

In this extended episode of Building the Bridge, we’re delighted to share an interview with world renowned education scholar, ...
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Wendy Oliver, EdDMar 31, 2021, 8:45:00 PM1 min read

Avoiding 'CyberTraps' in Education, Part 1 - Making the Right Choices - Episode 21

This special episode of Building the Bridge is a crossover episode, recorded in collaboration with the CyberTraps Podcast. ...
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Wendy Oliver, EdDSep 8, 2021, 1:42:42 PM1 min read

Key Findings to Successfully Address Digital Inequity - Episode 36

Key Findings to Successfully Address Digital Inequity with Dr. Vikki KatzWhat does it mean to be under-connected? On this ...
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