EdisonLearning Chalkboard

SEL for All with Discovery Education’s Rachel Barrachina - Episode 35

Written by Wendy Oliver, EdD | Aug 30, 2021 2:08:59 PM

SEL for All with Discovery Education’s Rachel Barrachina- Episode 34

Continuing our series of episodes centered on social-emotional learning (SEL), Dr. Oliver welcomes Rachel Barrachina, a digital content coordinator at Discovery Education.

Rachel and Discovery Education collaborated with community and corporate partners in April 2021 to create the Social-Emotional Learning Center, a library of digital resources that support the integration of SEL and wellness into classroom core instruction. In this interview, you’ll learn how and why SEL is for everybody, why it matters, and how it can be integrated into the curriculum. You’ll also hear about the various resources the SEL Center provides and the importance of this curated service for different grade bands for students, resources for educators, and resources for administrators.

Learn much more about the resources references in this episode: Discovery Education: https://www.discoveryeducation.com/ Social-Emotional Learning Coalition: https://selcoalition.org/

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